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 SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final

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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

Messages : 15193
Réputation : 399
Inscrit le : 13/10/2010

SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final Icon_minitimeMer 27 Mar 2013, 08:36

This is a bugfix release for 1.54RC!

Fixes since v1.54RC:

FIX: OS updater: should now ask for reboot after kernel update
FIX: OS updater: attempted to fix hang during update
UPDATE: Config tray: added USB storage item (pmprog)
FIX: Kernel: fixed potential crash on USB cable unplug
UPDATE: Added DSP firmware and startup script to the main image, to be used by .pnds
FIX: Kernel: another attempt to fix charging LED
UPDATE: Kernel: added persistent_ram driver which preserves last kernel session log in /proc/last_kmsg (useful to debug kernel crashes, only works if unit is not powered down)
FIX: Kernel: freed a few more MBs or RAM
UPDATE: Kernel: wifi: added calibration NVS dump/load ability
FIX: PNDstore updated to work on latest firmware (Tempel)
UPDATE: sample DisplayLink/udlfb xorg.conf added (Takedown)
FIX: Kernel: USB OTG related crash fix + driver tweaks

As a reminder, the previous changes (from 1.53 to 1.54RC):

UPDATE Kernel updated to 3.2.39
UPDATE Now comes with every released TI SGX kernel driver so any version of SGX binary blobs can be used
UPDATE Switched to more stable hugetlb patches from ARM (feature mostly used by PCSX currently)
UPDATE Backported CMA (contiguous memory allocator) from 3.5. This eliminated need to reserve VRAM, so more general RAM is available and more VRAM can be allocated on demand (larger resolutions can be used with hardware scaler)
UPDATE various fixes for OTG driver (cable switching between host/peripheral modes should work better)
FIX Various OMAP specific fixes backported from newer kernels
FIX Fixed the issue that you couldn't switch the GUI, reboot or shutdown from XFCE4 (introduced in 1.53)
FIX Fixed an issue of DM3730 not suspending fully (concerns 1GHz units)
FIX Maybe fixed charging LED (again..)
FIX Passwords with special characters should now work as well
NEW Enabled TASKSTATS, DM_CRYPT, xz support and some more USB drivers
NEW Added LED-Settings dialogue. You can now set brightness setting for your Power LED and also disable / enable the SD1/SD2/Bluetooth/WiFi LEDs
NEW Added MiniMenu WiFi Tool (setup WiFi connections from MiniMenu)
NEW Added File Associations for PNDs. Now PNDs can setup different filetypes in their PXML file. Double clicking an associated file will automatically run the PND and load the file.
NEW openal and udlfb added


If you already got a previous SuperZaxxon Final version installed, you can use the Upgrade Pandora OS-function - however, be aware of the following two issues:

1. The upgrade process might hang. If it doesn't do anything for a few minutes, stop it and restart it (without rebooting). This issue is fixed with 1.54 Final, but as you are upgrading from an older version, it might still happen.
2. VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to run the upgrade process TWICE IN A ROW! Do NOT toggle Wifi or reboot the unit inbetween! Simply run it two times. If you don't, you will lose the internal Wifi drivers (due to a bug in opkg).
NOTE: That does mean that you need to do it at least THREE times in a row if it hangs! You need to run the upgrade a second time once it completed successfully (without hanging).

Please reboot the Pandora after upgrading.

Be sure to backup any important data you might have in your NAND for the above reasons.
It is recommended to do a full flash in case you are encountering any issues.

A récupérer ici : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Et la version sans les drivers wifi : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Membre Hyper Actif

Messages : 1828
Réputation : 61
Age : 44
Inscrit le : 16/11/2012

Machine préférée Megadrive, GameBoy et Playstation

Localisation : Tressange (57)

Humeur : Nostalgeek

SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final Icon_minitimeLun 05 Aoû 2013, 22:05

Pourrais tu stp Baf traduire les parties essentielles en gras en bas de message. Mon anglais n'étant pas tjs bon j'ai peur de faire une mauvaise manip lors de la mise à jour. Merci d'avance
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SuperZaxxon v1.54 Final
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