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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

Messages : 15193
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Inscrit le : 13/10/2010

OPKManager Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013, 17:53

Cette appli permettrait à priori de downloader directement du repo de la Zer0 sur la console en elle même.

C'est une version Alpha, donc attendez vous à des bugs.


the last days I tried to implement an idea I had about a manager for the opk files. Using the explorer is annoying for me at some point. Furthermore I can't see the description (yes, some applications have quite nondescript names lol) and can't of course download new opk files from the internet, which is another thing I missed. Until now I had to go to the downloads section of or any other ressource, save the file somewhere on my PC or on the sd card, had to connect via ftp or copy it from the sd card to the internal space and so on...

So I made this little application. First of all: This is an alpha release. So if you really try around, it WILL crash. Just tell me, when it crashed and maybe why (e.g. which package, which operation, etc.)


   Moving opks between internal space, sd card & usb devices
   Copying opks between internal space, sd card & usb devices
   Deleting opks from internal space, sd card & usb devices
   Loading repositories via python scripts. Until now I implemented my own "repository" and the official. Yes, I do HTML grepping. Yes, this is bad. Yes, it will change. However in future every repository or website can have their own python script I hope. Very Happy
   Downloading these repository opks to internal space, sd card & usb devices
   Details for the opks

For the local opk files I use the libopk to get the name. For the repository I have to take, what I get. I don't want to download the whole opk just for the name. Unfortunately the name in the repository and the name in the opk file sometimes differ. Then you have two entries. If you download such an entry at next start the name in the opk file will change. However if you update the repository list, two entries will appear.

I know the repository and pretty much everything around the gcw is in work, so this bug will be fixed any time soon.

Bugs or missing features I know and will fix:

   Updating, Moving, Copying or Deleting the OPK Manager itself doesn't work. lol'
   You can't run applications yet.
   Updating the Repository list without internet connection will do strange things I think... Didn't test it yet. Edit: Tested it. wget times out, which needs some time. It depends on the repository script, what happens. My "repository" registers two applications without download information, which is bad. However the official-script (which means, it is for the official repo - not from the gcw makers) did not register anything, which is good. happy. And no crash. Very Happy
   Download everything on my own. At the moment I use wget. Wink
   Searching in other specific places for repositories, e.g. for not official supported repositories with illegal software about pornography with nazi symbols in it. Wink
   Creating the apps folder, if not there yet."

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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

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OPKManager Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeLun 23 Déc 2013, 18:23

Ha voilà le soft que j'attendais depuis un petit bout de temps !
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OPKManager Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeSam 28 Déc 2013, 03:24

Excellent soft marche parfaitement chez moi. Mais où télécharger le code source j'aimerais le modifier afin de naviguer dans un serveur ftp privé pour télécharger mes roms.
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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

Messages : 15193
Réputation : 399
Inscrit le : 13/10/2010

OPKManager Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeDim 29 Déc 2013, 11:24


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Messages : 28
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Inscrit le : 07/06/2014

Machine préférée gcw zero

OPKManager Empty
Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeDim 15 Juin 2014, 23:21

lien mort :'(
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OPKManager Empty
Msg n°6 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeLun 16 Juin 2014, 07:19

Le deuxième fonctionne.
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Messages : 28
Réputation : 2
Inscrit le : 07/06/2014

Machine préférée gcw zero

OPKManager Empty
Msg n°7 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitimeLun 16 Juin 2014, 12:48

Cool jpensais avoir test les deux merci
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OPKManager Empty
Msg n°8 MessageSujet: Re: OPKManager OPKManager Icon_minitime

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