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 o2xiv, Open2x Image Viewer, port for GCW Zero

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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

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o2xiv, Open2x Image Viewer, port for GCW Zero Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: o2xiv, Open2x Image Viewer, port for GCW Zero o2xiv, Open2x Image Viewer, port for GCW Zero Icon_minitimeDim 06 Avr 2014, 11:13

Per the thread title. This currently needs user testing.

To browse your screenshots taken with Power+Y, you only need to enter the 'screenshots' folder; it shows the home directory on your GCW Zero's internal memory by default.


Original sources:


~In the file chooser~

Up/Down: Move selection by one file
L/R shoulder: Move selection by one page
A/B: Select image
Select the '..' entry to go up one directory. The path is displayed on the first line of the screen.

~In the gallery~
Start: Options, including Quit
Select: Return to the file browser
X/Y: Zoom in or out
D-pad: Pan (if the image is too large for the screen, including the zoom level making it too large for the screen)
A/B: Rotate clockwise or {counter-clockwise | anti-clockwise}

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o2xiv, Open2x Image Viewer, port for GCW Zero
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