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 SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released!

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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

Messages : 15193
Réputation : 399
Inscrit le : 13/10/2010

SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Icon_minitimeDim 19 Oct 2014, 10:17

SuperZaxxon v1.62 has just been released - thanks a lot to notaz for upgrading to a more recent glib library, no easy task (as there were a lot of dependencies.

Note: if you are going to install the update through "Upgrade Pandora OS", you need to make sure to run the update to completion. If the update fails for some reason, like Internet connection problems, please run the update again and let if finish. After it successfully finishes (but not earlier), you need to reboot as the system may be unstable until restart due to updated libs.

This update also reinstalls the SGX driver. If you are using other than default SGX driver (like 4.10), please install it again after the update.

A bit has changed, here are the updates from v1.61:

UPDATE:several system libraries have been updated: glib and gtk2 to latest version, several others to newer versions that are compatible with latest gtk. This may break some PNDs (mostly because of glib ABI changes, those PNDs will have to be recompiled), but will allow ports of new software.
CHANGE: changed default SGX driver to for 1GHz units, for others it stays the same as before.
UPDATE: networkmanager: some tweaks to make it connect faster
UPDATE: bash: updated to 3.2.57 (bug and shellshock fixes)
UPDATE: xserver-xorg: updated to 1.7.7 (from 1.7.4), makes BT keyboard crash less, but the problem is still there
some other minor fixes
NEW: Kernel: new wifi stick drivers: MT7601U and RTL8192EU
NEW: Kernel: new driver for the SoC temperature sensor
NEW: Kernel: lots of new media drivers from 3.16 media compatibility layer (adds support for many more webcams and USB TV tuners)
UPDATE: Kernel: updated to stable 3.2.63 release
NEW: Kernel: added texture streaming module to all SGX drivers
Kernel: minor tweaks (GPT support, added logging of missing firmware and segfaults, etc).


Upgrading from a previous SuperZaxxon version (1.5x or newer):

Use the "Upgrade Pandora OS"-Version (PLEASE READ NOTE ABOVE!)
Please note:
User-Modified configs will not not be overwritten with the new version.

Be sure to backup any important data you might have in your NAND for the above reasons.
It is recommended to do a full flash in case you are encountering any issues.

Upgrade instructions using the Full-Flash-Image:

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Please note: Flashing the new firmware will put your unit back into a default state. All your settings and users will be lost. Of course, this does not apply to PNDs which save their stuff on the SD-Card.

To install it, simply extract the archive onto the root of your SD Card.
Insert the SD Card into the left slot. Keep R (shoulder) pressed while switching on your Pandora and select "Boot from SD1"
It will then flash the firmware onto the NAND. After it's finished, reboot your Pandora and patiently wait until the First Boot Wizard appears on the screen.

If "Boot from SD1" doesn't appear, try to reformat the SD Card using Panasonic SD Formatter, recopy the files and retry.

Please let us know any issues you encounter.
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Membre Hyper Actif

Messages : 1828
Réputation : 61
Age : 44
Inscrit le : 16/11/2012

Machine préférée Megadrive, GameBoy et Playstation

Localisation : Tressange (57)

Humeur : Nostalgeek

SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Icon_minitimeDim 19 Oct 2014, 14:31

Cool je vais essayer ça tout de suite
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Membre Hyper Actif

Messages : 1828
Réputation : 61
Age : 44
Inscrit le : 16/11/2012

Machine préférée Megadrive, GameBoy et Playstation

Localisation : Tressange (57)

Humeur : Nostalgeek

SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Icon_minitimeDim 19 Oct 2014, 19:13

Le nouveau look est sympa. J'aime bien !
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Messages : 169
Réputation : 25
Inscrit le : 12/08/2013

SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Icon_minitimeDim 19 Oct 2014, 23:46

A noter, cette update va casser quelques PND, pas grand chose, et ils seront updaté rapidement (normalement).
c'est un petit effet de bord, mais les libs mises à jour en valent la peine.

Pour ma part, je sais déjà que ZDoom ne passe plus (enfin, seul le moteur EDGE fonctionne, ZDoom, et GZDoom plantent pour l'instant, il faut que je recompile gstreamer à priori), et Hammerwatch à aussi des problème (j'ai une eta dispo sur le forum officiel, sinon, la version repo devrais sortir bientôt). Tous n'a pas été testé, mais la majorité des PNDs passent de toute façon...
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SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Empty
Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released! Icon_minitime

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SuperZaxxon v1.62RC released!
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