| Liste de shoot em up MAME | |
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marco rossi Noob'
Messages : 20 Réputation : 0 Inscrit le : 22/01/2012
| Msg n°1 Sujet: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 00:37 | |
| voici une liste de shoot compatible caanoo,cette liste peut etre completer.Apres test j'indiquerai une selection de titres qui me paraissent incontournables.tcho
1941j "1941 - Counter Attack (Japan)" 1941 "1941 - Counter Attack (World)" 1942 "1942 (set 1)" 1942a "1942 (set 2)" 1942b "1942 (set 3)" 1943j "1943 - The Battle of Midway (Japan)" 1943 "1943 - The Battle of Midway (US)" 1943kai "1943 Kai" aerofgtb "Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1)" aerofgtc "Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2)" sonicwi2 "Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2" sonicwi3 "Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3" aerofgt "Aero Fighters" airbustr "Air Buster (Japan)" airduel "Air Duel (Japan)" airwolf "Air Wolf" ajaxj "Ajax (Japan)" ajax "Ajax" arbalest "Arbalester" argus "Argus" rygarj "Argus no Senshi (Japan)" arkarea "Ark Area" armedf "Armed Formation" ashura "Ashura Blaster (Japan)" ashurau "Ashura Blaster (US)" assaultj "Assault (Japan)" assaultp "Assault Plus (Japan)" assault "Assault" asteroib "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)" asteroi1 "Asteroids (rev 1)" asteroid "Asteroids (rev 2)" astdelu1 "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1)" astdelux "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)" batsugun "Batsugun" batugnsp "Batsugun Special Ver." battlntj "Battlantis (Japan)" battlnts "Battlantis" bchopper "Battle Chopper" bermudaj "Bermuda Triangle (Japan)" bermudaa "Bermuda Triangle (US early version)" bermudat "Bermuda Triangle (US)" blkhole "Black Hole" blastoff "Blast Off (Japan)" blazstar "Blazing Star" boscomd "Bosconian (Midway, new version)" boscomdo "Bosconian (Midway, old version)" bosco "Bosconian (new version)" boscoo "Bosconian (old version)" boscoo2 "Bosconian (older version)" brain "Brain" cawing "Carrier Air Wing (World)" centipdb "Centipede (bootleg set 1)" centipb2 "Centipede (bootleg set 2)" centipd2 "Centipede (revision 2)" centiped "Centipede (revision 3)" challeng "Challenger" chimerab "Chimera Beast" chplftb "Choplifter (alternate)" chplftbl "Choplifter (bootleg)" chplft "Choplifter" chopper "Chopper I" chukatai "Chuka Taisen (Japan)" cobracmj "Cobra-Command (Japan)" cobracom "Cobra-Command (World revision 5)" cchasm "Cosmic Chasm (set 1)" cchasm1 "Cosmic Chasm (set 2)" cosmognj "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)" cosmogng "Cosmo Gang the Video (US)" cybattlr "Cybattler" dangar "Dangar - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986)" dangar2 "Dangar - Ufo Robo (9/26/1986)" dangarb "Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg)" dangseed "Dangerous Seed (Japan)" dfeveron "Dangun Feveron (Japan)" CAVE defendg "Defender (Green label)" defender "Defender (Red label)" defendw "Defender (White label)" ddonpach "Dodonpachi (Japan)" dogyuun "Dogyuun" dbreed "Dragon Breed" IREM dsaberj "Dragon Saber (Japan)" dsaber "Dragon Saber" dspirit "Dragon Spirit (new version)" dspirito "Dragon Spirit (old version)" dyger "Dyger (set 1)" dygera "Dyger (set 2)" esprade "ESP Ra.De. (Japan)" CAVE edf "Earth Defense Force" espiale "Espial (Europe)" espial "Espial (US?)" exedexes "Exed Exes" exeriont "Exerion (Taito)" exerionb "Exerion (bootleg)" exerion "Exerion" exerizrb "Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg)" fantzone "Fantasy Zone (Japan New Ver.)" fantzono "Fantasy Zone (Old Ver.)" fhawk "Fighting Hawk (Japan)" fstarfrc "Final Star Force (US)" TECMO finalizb "Finalizer - Super Transformation (bootleg)" finalizr "Finalizer - Super Transformation" fireshrk "Fire Shark" fshark "Flying Shark (World)" fsharkbt "Flying Shark (bootleg)" forgottn "Forgotten Worlds (US)" fnkyfish "Funky Fish" galaga84 "Galaga '84" galag88j "Galaga '88 (Japan)" galaga88 "Galaga '88 (set 1)" galag88b "Galaga '88 (set 2)" galagamw "Galaga (Midway)" galaga "Galaga (Namco)" galagab2 "Galaga (bootleg)" galagads "Galaga (fast shoot)" galaga3 "Galaga 3 (set 1)" galaga3a "Galaga 3 (set 2)" galmidw "Galaxian (Midway)" galaxian "Galaxian (Namco)" galaxb "Galaxian (bootleg)" galap4 "Galaxian Part 4" galapx "Galaxian Part X" galturbo "Galaxian Turbo" galxwars "Galaxy Wars" gallop "Gallop - Armed police Unit (Japan)" IREM gaplus "Gaplus (set 1)" gaplusa "Gaplus (set 2)" gardiab "Gardia (bootleg)" gardia "Gardia" gemini "Gemini Wing" TECMO gondo "Gondomania (US)" gradius2 "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 1)" grdius2a "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 2)" grdius2b "Gradius II - Gofer no Yabou (Japan set 3)" grdius3a "Gradius III (Asia)" gradius3 "Gradius III (Japan)" gradius "Gradius" gunfronj "Gun Frontier (Japan)" gunbird "Gun Bird (Japan)" gyrodine "Gyrodine" gyrussce "Gyruss (Centuri)" gyruss "Gyruss (Konami)" helifira "HeliFire (revision A)" helifire "HeliFire (revision B)" hellfire "Hellfire" imgfight "Image Fight (Japan)" IREM inthuntu "In The Hunt (US)" inthunt "In The Hunt (World)" IREM insector "Insector (prototype)" insectx "Insector X (World)" zaxxonb "Jackson" junofstg "Juno First (Gottlieb)" junofrst "Juno First" ktiger "Kyukyoku Tiger (Japan)" lastduel "Last Duel (US set 1)" lstduela "Last Duel (US set 2)" lstduelb "Last Duel (bootleg)" lastmss2 "Last Mission (US revision 5)" lastmiss "Last Mission (US revision 6)" lresort "Last Resort" lifefrcj "Lifeforce (Japan)" lifefrce "Lifeforce (US)" lgtnfght "Lightning Fighters (US)" magspot2 "Magical Spot II" masterw "Master of Weapon (World)" megaznik "Mega Zone (Kosuka)" megazone "Mega Zone" mslug "Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001" mslug2 "Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II" mooncrsg "Moon Cresta (Gremlin)" mooncrst "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)" mooncrgx "Moon Cresta (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)" mooncrsb "Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1)" mooncrs2 "Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2)" mpatrolw "Moon Patrol (Williams)" mpatrol "Moon Patrol" mysticri "Mystic Riders (World)" IREM ninjemak "Ninja Emaki (US)" nova2001 "Nova 2001 (Japan)" nov2001u "Nova 2001 (US)" ordyne "Ordyne (Japan)" outzonep "Out Zone (bootleg)" outzone "Out Zone" p47j "P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (Japan)" p47 "P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World)" parodius "Parodius DA! (Japan)" phelios "Phelios (Japan)" pistoldm "Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan)" plusalph "Plus Alpha" prehislu "Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US)" prehisle "Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World)" pulsar "Pulsar" pulstar "Pulstar" rtypepj "R-Type (Japan prototype)" rtype "R-Type (Japan)" rtypeu "R-Type (US)" rtype2j "R-Type II (Japan)" rtype2 "R-Type II" rtypeleo "R-Type Leo (Japan) IREM raidena "Raiden (Alternate Hardware)" raidenk "Raiden (Korea)" raiden "Raiden" regulusu "Regulus (not encrypted)" regulus "Regulus" srdmissn "S.R.D. Mission" stdragon "Saint Dragon" salamand "Salamander" samesame "Same! Same! Same!" saturn "Saturn" sauro "Sauro" savgbees "Savage Bees" scionc "Scion (Cinematronics)" scion "Scion scrambls "Scramble (Stern)" scramblb "Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)" scramble "Scramble" scregg "Scrambled Egg" sectionz "Section Z (set 1)" sctionza "Section Z (set 2)" sengoku "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 1)" sengokh "Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou (set 2)" sengoku2 "Sengoku 2 / Sengoku Denshou 2" sngkace "Sengoku Ace (Japan)" PSIKYO sidearjp "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (Japan)" sidearmr "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US)" sidearms "Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World)" silkworm "Silkworm (set 1)" silkwrm2 "Silkworm (set 2)" TECMO sinista1 "Sinistar (prototype version)" sinista2 "Sinistar (revision 2)" sinistar "Sinistar (revision 3)" skykiddx "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 1)" skykiddo "Sky Kid Deluxe (set 2)" skykid "Sky Kid" sonicwi "Sonic Wings (Japan)" sspacatc "Space Attack (cocktail)" sspaceat "Space Attack (upright)" sspacat2 "Space Attack (upright, older)" spaceatt "Space Attack II" sicv "Space Invaders (CV Version)" invaderl "Space Invaders (Logitec)" sisv2 "Space Invaders (SV Version 2)" sisv "Space Invaders (SV Version)" sitv "Space Invaders (TV Version)" spacedx "Space Invaders DX (Japan)" invaddlx "Space Invaders Deluxe" galap1 "Space Invaders Galactica" invad2ct "Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)" invadpt2 "Space Invaders Part II (Taito)" invaders "Space Invaders spaceod "Space Odyssey" spaceph "Space Phantoms" spaceplt "Space Pilot" starfore "Star Force (encrypted)" starforc "Star Force" starwar1 "Star Wars (rev 1)" starwars "Star Wars (rev 2)" starw "Star Wars" stinger "Stinger" stratvxb "Stratovox (bootleg)" stratvox "Stratovox" strkforc "Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91)" srdarwin "Super Real Darwin (Japan)" ssi "Super Space Invaders '91 (World)" sxevious "Super Xevious" szaxxon "Super Zaxxon" tacscan "Tac/Scan" tempest1 "Tempest (rev 1)" tempest2 "Tempest (rev 2)" tempest "Tempest (rev 3)" temptube "Tempest Tubes" terracra "Terra Cresta (YM2203)" terracre "Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)" terracrb "Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2)" terrafu "Terra Force (US)" terraf "Terra Force" thndblst "Thunder Blaster (Japan)" IREM thnderxj "Thunder Cross (Japan)" thndrx2 "Thunder Cross II (Japan)" thunderx "Thunder Cross" tndrcade "Thundercade / Twin Formation" tigerhj "Tiger Heli (Japan)" tigerhb1 "Tiger Heli (bootleg 1)" tigerhb2 "Tiger Heli (bootleg 2)" tigerh "Tiger Heli (set 1)" tigerh2 "Tiger Heli (set 2)" tp84 "Time Pilot '84 (set 1)" tp84a "Time Pilot '84 (set 2)" timepltc "Time Pilot (Centuri)" timeplt "Time Pilot" tokiob "Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg)" tokio "Tokio / Scramble Formation" truxton "Truxton / Tatsujin" tatsujn2 "Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan)" turbofrc "Turbo Force" turtship "Turtle Ship" twincobu "Twin Cobra (US)" twincobr "Twin Cobra (World)" twinbee "TwinBee" twinspri "Twinkle Star Sprites" unsquad "U.N. Squadron (US)" vfive "V-Five (Japan)" valtric "Valtric" vangrdce "Vanguard (Centuri)" vanguard "Vanguard (SNK)" vangrd2 "Vanguard II" vimanan "Vimana (Nova Apparate GMBH & Co)" vimana "Vimana (set 1)" vimana2 "Vimana (set 2)" vulgusj "Vulgus (Japan?)" vulgus "Vulgus (set 1)" vulgus2 "Vulgus (set 2)" xmultipl "X Multiply (Japan)" IREM xeviousa "Xevious (Atari)" xevious "Xevious (Namco)" yosakdon "Yosaku To Donbee (bootleg)" zaxxon "Zaxxon (set 1)" zaxxon2 "Zaxxon (set 2)" zedblade "Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok" zektor "Zektor" zerotime "Zero Time" |
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marco rossi Noob'
Messages : 20 Réputation : 0 Inscrit le : 22/01/2012
| Msg n°3 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 10:36 | |
| Il y en a plus,j'ai juste referencé ceux du full set gp2x compatible avec la caanoo.s'il y a des oublis,merci d'apporter votre contribution.A savoir que je me suis basé sur le referencement shmup.com,merci a eux pour leur excellent site dedie aux shoot.tcho |
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k0en Team Open Consoles
Messages : 10796 Réputation : 365 Age : 43 Inscrit le : 25/01/2011
Localisation : Devant son écran
Humeur : Indécis
| Msg n°5 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 11:34 | |
| Chouette merci pour cette liste, y a de quoi se mettre des trucs sous la dent là! |
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FreddyBoubil Arcade gamer
Messages : 8441 Réputation : 241 Inscrit le : 03/01/2011
Localisation : Devant ma borne
Humeur : Qu'importe le support, pourvu qu'on ait le fun.
| Msg n°6 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 12:54 | |
| [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] a 383 jeux référencés dans ses tests pour la partie "Arcade"... J'ai un brin de nostalgie quand je vois cette liste, car j'en ai pratiqué pas mal sur console ou en arcade. Je me rappelle notamment de Tiger Heli, qui m'a pris quelques pièces de 5 et 10 frs... |
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marco rossi Noob'
Messages : 20 Réputation : 0 Inscrit le : 22/01/2012
| Msg n°7 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 14:23 | |
| - Raph4 a écrit:
- et au retour de MAWS ça sera encore plus simple
Je suis qu'un noob et j'avoue ne pas comprendre.merci de m'eclairer C'est mameworld?en dev pour caanoo?meilleure compatibilité avec les roms? |
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| Msg n°8 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Sam 28 Jan 2012, 14:58 | |
| c'est le catalogue MAME, un exemple ici: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]mais pour le moment ils ont eu quelques soucis, et c'est en cours pour le grand retour! MAWS wiki:[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] |
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luchazer Noob'
Messages : 25 Réputation : 0 Inscrit le : 07/02/2012
| Msg n°9 Sujet: Re: Liste de shoot em up MAME Lun 12 Mar 2012, 22:07 | |
| Et bien sacré liste! Et en Shoot façon Danmakushooting, autre que Dodonpachi (que je n'arrive toujours pas à faire tourner) vous avez des noms? J'ai pu tester Blazing Star sur Neogeo, et j'ai vraiment eu ce bon feeling, avec de belles patterns de bullets. Bref je suis preneur! |
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