It allows you to use this review, either by copying or referenciándola link to anyone who wants it, with the only condition that remains the author and a link to the original source of this review, which is cited in the following section .
Source and update the information in this article
The original article (in Spanish) is in my blog .
For updates on this article, I suggest visiting one of the links above.
- Kernel compiled from sources 3.0.50 - Improvements on system stability (must improve some hangs/freeze of devices) - New frequency added. There is no need of SetCPU profile. Is recommended to clear application data and start again SetCPU, and choice "Autodetect frequencies" - Governors smartass2, intelldemand, lagfree and lionheart was deleted, and replaced by the new ondemand, interactive and interactive2, that works better on the device. - Potential Fix for Wakeup bug. Emulators now must run fine without issues about the screen rate, after wake up. - Little improvements on 3D performance - Added new option for reboot, from the power menu. - JXD Mapping tool deleted. now will not appear in any way the mapping tool interface (Shift key will not open it)
Tincore Driver Update
- Fixed Sticks Dead Zones - Sticks are Joystick by default from now (you must set manually if you need right stick as IJKL keys) - Fixed initialization routine.
- Extract the rar file. There are 3 files. - Put on your miroSD card - Boot the device in recovery menu - Select "install zip from EXT" - Browse and select the file you want to flash (each file flash different kernel speed. select the speed you want to use. (Recommended: 1200MHz) - Reboot the system
This article is a summary, and contains only the most relevant features.
To read the full article, look at the link above.
Here is a short list of changes included in this version of firmware.
Later in this article, there is a section with extended information about these changes.
Include support for USB Bluetooth dongles
This includes new governors set for the console hardware
Tincore Driver
Calibration ajusatada for DPAD
Improvements and optimizations in the driver code, to get even less lag.
Tincore KeyMapper
Support for languages.
Minor improvements in UI tool
DEBUG Option
Creating online guide tool
Note on Bluetooth Support
Not all Bluetooth USB dongles behave the same way, and the clasificaré in 3 groups: [*] Only some have 100% support, and able to connect, disconnect and work seamlessly with the device. [*] Others may only work if you are connected to the console from the start of it, and if disconnected, they will not start until you restart the console. [*] And others, very few, may not be able to work with the console.
That said, emphasizing that most dongles that we used in the tests correspond to Group 2 of the above list, and only one has been in group 1, but still the connectivity and operation we tested is suitable and practical, if we have the console plugged into a TV.
What's more, the videos I uploaded to show this feature, corresponding to a dongle in group 2, and as you can see works seamlessly with multiple devices.
The video above shows the work in progress of this feature.
On connectivity Sixaxis
(Using a SIXAXIS with the console)
Overall, there have been problems with device connectivity, but if identified and strange behavior is that when connecting Sixaxis controls, after a few seconds in some cases these are switched off (or when you connect a second controller is off the first), but not always the case and simply reconnect the tool again.
According to the evidence, it may be because, for some reason, the program does not work well when the controls are low on battery (below 50%).
(Console working with 2 sixaxis connected simultaneously)
Version Recustom
It has generated a TheXSample-SXELROM v3.0 release Recustom with the same characteristics as the original rom, plus some extra programs related withthe bluetooth.
Download Links
TheXSample - SXELROM v1.0
TheXSample-SXELROM Firmware v3.0 [Mega Mirror ]
For more links, see the original article of this release.
As in previous updates, here is the work of many people, although it seems small upgrade, I can say it's quite achieving the advancement of Bluetooth and achievers who deserve all the thanks, and among which I will highlight a Skelton (great manager of the idea), Christian Troy, Lomax, Tincore (which never tires of implementing improvements) and myself, that force me to go out in the credits XD, plus I can leave out now .
We also wanted to give a thank you to the store Willgoo, that has been very helpful to give us the necessary support to add the option of accelerometer in the mapping tool (released in a previous patch), and now we have the "Wiimote style "to play some retro-gaming (it's great to play Mario Kart 64, tilting the console like a Wii steering wheel): D
The special thanks of this firmware is for the groups "The Mox", "Les Miserables", "Marilyn Manson" and Daft Punk (among others) for that because we had a lot of energy injected encouragement and strength to the long nights of testing that has taken this firmware.
Dernière édition par Deen0X le Sam 18 Mai 2013, 18:35, édité 5 fois
Barokiki Petit scarabée
Messages : 51 Réputation : 0 Inscrit le : 31/01/2013
La lecture de ce sujet inspire une ou deux question au béotien en console et en android que je suis : - Est t'il nécessaire de changer le firmware officiel JXD par un firmware alternatif pour pouvoir utiliser les émulateurs (je pense surtout au n64, psx et mame). Est ce que quelque uns parmi vous utilisent leur console avec un firmware JXD (j'ai lu que la version 1.7 était sorti ) ? - Le forum est très riche et j'ai lu à divers endroit les mérites comparés des divers firmware, des parties de l'un à installer dans l'autre pour l'améliorer (mapper) mais pas de procédure expliquant comment faire (peut être l'ai je manquée...? ce serai tout moi ça !)
Pour tout vous dire ma crainte est que dans ma "plouquitude" je procède comme l'amateur que je suis et mette la petite merveille en vrac !
Merci à tous !
neilmims Padawan
Messages : 108 Réputation : 7 Age : 37 Inscrit le : 20/03/2013
Et bien, tu utilises la console avec le firmware d origine, le temps de t habituer et de voir ce que donne l é ensuite tu te lances dans la sxelrom :-)
agarbu Noob'
Messages : 10 Réputation : 2 Age : 59 Inscrit le : 28/03/2013
Je pense que c'est un conseil avisé que je suivrai. Par contre, je suis curieux de savoir comment utiliser le mapper Ncce sur Sxelrom cela voudrai-t'il dire que le mapper Ncce peux se trouver indépendamment du firmware lui même ? Je crois qu'il faut que je trouve "Androïd pour les nuls" !
neilmims Padawan
Messages : 108 Réputation : 7 Age : 37 Inscrit le : 20/03/2013
1) when playing NoVA3 with tinycore: Screen get 'ghost-touched' (i dont push but, it emulate like it) --> this is pretty raging Than, no possible to touch the screen at all, it dont recognize impulse. The 'back' button does (funny) work so i back till the deskop, and than i need to shutdown like that :
2) In my media galery dosn't appear anything, i v got only pictures, but nothing at all. (since i add a new image folder, nothing) (i can see it from 'filemanager' by the way)
3) When charging, screen get sometimes unusable, no touch recognized.
That's it for my first test, more info after more work
Thanx very much DEENOX for this awesome build, hope my post helping you
Keep the good job and if you have a DONATION link, i would be glad to offer you a coffe (or else)
sid_3 Noob'
Messages : 2 Réputation : 1 Inscrit le : 02/04/2013
je viens d'installer the xsample sxelrom 3. Suite à l'installation la carte sd interne de l'appareil m'indique une capacité de 5,7 go au lieu des 8 go d'origine. Est-ce normal? Y'a t il quelque chose à faire pour y remédier?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Skyteamz Accro'
Messages : 437 Réputation : 16 Age : 41 Inscrit le : 07/08/2012
Cela est normal et il n'y a rien a faire, de base tu ne dispose pas des 8gb en entier. Par ailleurs sur la rom custom il y a déjà quelques apk. (donc ça pompe un peu) Mais n'as tu pas une sd externe ?
Si non, je te conseille vivement d'en acheter une bien grosse surtout si tu veux mettre de gros jeux android style nova3, RR3, Ravensword... Ou des jeux psx qui pèse pas mal. Moi j'ai une 8gb en externe et c’est déjà limite, va me falloir du 32gb au moins
sid_3 Noob'
Messages : 2 Réputation : 1 Inscrit le : 02/04/2013
Depuis, que suis en 3.0, j ai l impression que les temps de téléchargement sont beaucoup plus long. J ai téléchargé dodonpachi, il faut installé des données supplé après 3hr30, je suis seulement a 50%... Pourtant suis sous ADSL et le signal wifi est au max....
Qqn a remarqué a la même chose? C est peut être la même sous firmware d origine?