Daphne is an emulator which plays classic arcade laserdisc games from the 1980's. Probably the most famous of which was Dragons Lair. Original author Matt Ownby. Thanks to Xaijiqq for testing.
This port uses a much faster rendering method in order to allow the games to run at full speed. This causes occasional flickering of text on a few intro screens but doesn't affect gameplay.
In order to get the roms to run you will need to convert the video files (.m2v) I have included a comprehensive guide on how to do this in the manual accessible from the gmenu. Please read and confirm you have followed the below instructions before posting that you can't get a game to work. Untested games are Space ace, dragons lair 2, firefox, star rider/blazer and singe. All other games are confirmed as working at least as far as level 1. If you get any of the untested games working please post instructions!
D-Pad: Directions
A: Button 1
B: Button 2
X: Button 3
Y: Tilt/Swap vertical controls (for flight sims)
L: Insert coin (player 1)
R: Pause
SELECT: Quit emulator
START: Start game (you must have inserted a coin first)
How to run games
Daphne does not come with any built-in games so you are going to have to find them.
The first place I'd suggest looking is on the daphne homepage as you may find some useful links there
To use Daphne you are going to need four files:
gamename.zip (zipped rom file)
gamename.txt (frame file)
gamename.ogg (audio file)
gamename.m2v (video file)
You will also probably have a gamename.dat file but you won't be needing that so DON'T copy this file across to your gcw0.
Once you have the above files, you will need to convert the video file to the correct resolution. A converted video is typically around 200MB.
An unconverted video will create the wrong .dat file, cause a greenscreen and major slowdowns.
If you accidentally run Daphne before converting the .m2v file you will need to delete the .dat file and start again.
Place all four files into the same directory (eg $HOME/daphne/bega/)
Run Daphne. Press "Y" to create a new dat file (takes around 15 seconds)
The game will now start.
If you get any problems check the log file in $HOME/.daphne/daphne_log.txt
How to convert the .m2v file
Probably the easiest method using Windows is to use ffmpeg, available here:
www.ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ and download the latest static build.
Once unpacked, place the .m2v file you want to convert into the "bin" directory.
Then run "ff-prompt.bat". A command-line will pop-up.
Now type the following depending on which game you are playing:
- Code:
Space Ace
ffmpeg -i ace.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 ace.mpg
ffmpeg -i ace.mpg -vcodec copy -an ace.m2v
(currently untested)
Astron Belt
ffmpeg -i astron.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 astron.mpg
ffmpeg -i astron.mpg -vcodec copy -an astron.m2v
ffmpeg -i badlands.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 badlands.mpg
ffmpeg -i badlands.mpg -vcodec copy -an badlands.m2v
Bega's Battle
ffmpeg -i bega.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 bega.mpg
ffmpeg -i bega.mpg -vcodec copy -an bega.m2v
Star Blazer
ffmpeg -i blazer.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 blazer.mpg
ffmpeg -i blazer.mpg -vcodec copy -an blazer.m2v
(Currently untested)
Cliff Hanger
ffmpeg -i cliff.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 cliff.mpg
ffmpeg -i cliff.mpg -vcodec copy -an cliff.m2v
Cobra Command
ffmpeg -i cobra.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 cobra.mpg
ffmpeg -i cobra.mpg -vcodec copy -an cobra.m2v
Dragon's Lair
ffmpeg -i lair.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 lair.mpg
ffmpeg -i lair.mpg -vcodec copy -an lair.m2v
Esh's Aurunmilla
ffmpeg -i esh.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 esh.mpg
ffmpeg -i esh.mpg -vcodec copy -an esh.m2v
Galaxy Ranger
ffmpeg -i galaxy.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 galaxy.mpg
ffmpeg -i galaxy.mpg -vcodec copy -an galaxy.m2v
(Galaxy ranger also requires the astron bios files. If you get ROM errors then unzip the astron rom and place all files into "galaxy.zip".
The files then need to be renamed to galaxy.zip, galaxy.txt, galaxyr.ogg and galaxyr.m2v)
GP World
ffmpeg -i gpworld.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 gpworld.mpg
ffmpeg -i gpworld.mpg -vcodec copy -an gpworld.m2v
ffmpeg -i interstellar.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 interstellar.mpg
ffmpeg -i interstellar.mpg -vcodec copy -an interstellar.m2v
Dragon's Lair 2
ffmpeg -i lair2.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 lair2.mpg
ffmpeg -i lair2.mpg -vcodec copy -an lair2.m2v
(There are multiple versions of this romset. If you get crash errors then try renaming the .zip and .txt files to one of the following:
lair2.zip, lair2_319_euro.zip, lair2_319_span.zip, lair2_318.zip, lair2_316_euro.zip, lair2_315.zip,
lair2_314.zip, lair2_300.zip, lair2_211.zip)
M.A.C.H. 3
ffmpeg -i mach3.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 mach3.mpg
ffmpeg -i mach3.mpg -vcodec copy -an mach3.m2v
Road Blaster
ffmpeg -i roadblaster.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 roadblaster.mpg
ffmpeg -i roadblaster.mpg -vcodec copy -an roadblaster.m2v
(in my version I also had to rename the files to rb.ogg, rb.m2v, roadblaster.txt and roadblaster.zip)
Super Don Quix-ote
ffmpeg -i superd.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 superd.mpg
ffmpeg -i superd.mpg -vcodec copy -an superd.m2v
Thayer's Quest
ffmpeg -i tq.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 320x240 tq.mpg
ffmpeg -i tq.mpg -vcodec copy -an tq.m2v
Us vs Them
ffmpeg -i uvt.m2v -b:v 2000k -vcodec mpeg2video -filter:v yadif -s 256x240 uvt.mpg
ffmpeg -i uvt.mpg -vcodec copy -an uvt.m2v
Source code:
(I originally posted a slightly earlier build, this one is marginally faster)
Have fun