Here is a peek at the quake 1 gles port ive worked over for some time. now running on the GCW:
There is a couple ways to start using it.
1. Run the opk and let it create the folders and paths (then quit the launcher with the start button)
1a. Create the path $home/.quake1/id1
2. Copy .pak's to the right folder under $home/quake1. For example original data would go under id1. I created folders for the expansion packs called armagon and dissolution. Use original full game data, shareware is likely not to work.
3. Run the opk, which will bring up the frontend. The directories at the current location will show in the list. They will show regardless if data is there or not. If you dont want to see some of them just delete the folders.
4. To run select the folder and then hit the select button. If all goes right then you should see the game launch. If not it kicks back to the frontend.
select: launch game
start : quit
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