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 Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI  Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI  Icon_minitimeSam 01 Mar 2014, 23:18

Nintendo64 mod promises HDMI output, soldering burns
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If you have a Nintendo 64 kicking around, it's probably not hooked up to your television. It's not that you don't love the classic console, it's just that many modern sets don't support the machine's archaic video cables. Don't worry, it can be fixed. RetroActive, a one-man mod team, is working on a circuit board that will gift the aging console with digital outputs. The kit promises to pipe audio and video out through DVI, HDMI or VGA (assuming you have the appropriate cables), but its creator is considering building an HDMI-only version. Either way, it won't be easy to install -- RetroActive says that it attaches directly to one of the Nintendo 64's main processors, and "it requires fine pitch soldering skills to install."
RetroActive has set up a notification page for folks interested in project, adding that the device's Q1 2014 release date is only tentative. "To be honest it's one of many things I have going on and I'd rather not release a crappy product," writes Marshall, the man behind RetroActive. "It'll be done when it's done." Fair enough, we're not that handy with a soldering iron anyway.
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Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI  Icon_minitimeDim 02 Mar 2014, 12:45

Du flou en HDMI  :euh:
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Binetôt un kit pour brancher une N64 via HDMI
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