un nouveau firmware basé sur le tout dernier officiel (20 Mai 2013)
ce firmware est dit Hybride car compatible MINIX NEO X5 mais également MK808 et MK808B.
changelog:-based on 20/05/2013 firmware
-rooted with latest SuperSU
MK808 1920x1080_24 (only 2dark4you kernel)
Neo X5 1920x1080_24 1920x1080_25 1920x1080_30
-nfs support only on Neo X5
-applied new set of FFMPEG library
-updated libstagefright library
-support the new Gen.2 RKremote controller app
-added RKGameControlSetting for game touch profile setup
(external install, if you want it install eHomeMediaCenter_box and RKGameControlSettingV1.0.1 on your device and RKRemoteControlGeneralCastV2.0.2 on your phone)
-fixed some strings in Settings and firmwork-res for better look.
(example: was "fast", now "Fast")
-visual changes (wallpaper, status bar, pointer, shoutdown menu)
-init.d support
-seeder app to speed up things (entropy generator)
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